Reggae Marathon to take place in Negril Jamaica

December 2st, 2006 will see marathoners, sports enthusiasts as well as beginners, converge in Jamaica's capital of casual, Negril, for a fun Event characterized by good vibes and lots of Reggae Music. Enthusiastic supporters come out along the internationally certified course, situated along Negril's famous 7 mile stretch of beach. The route meanders through sleepy coastline villages towards Green Island and back towards Negril. Hard working volunteers offer uniquely packaged water and rehydration fluids at every mile. Visitors enjoy a wide range of good hotels with varying styles of accommodations within walking distance to the start and finish. The Swept Away Resort hosts the race check in, Race Expo and Pasta Party. This all inclusive property caters to active, sports minded guests and is the perfect setting for your Jamaican running vacation. The Reggae Marathon and Half Marathon features other related Marathon events, like the internationally rated gourmet Pasta Party and 3 Day Marathon Expo, which highlights the best of Jamaica's arts, craft, and runner related products. The Village Bash and Victory Party pre and post race parties, cater to party goers and boast emerging reggae talents with lots of dancing to the reggae beat. Location Negril, Jamaica Both the marathon and half-marathon start at Long Bay Beach Park situated along Negril's world famous 7-mile white sand beach. The course loops into the town of Negril then heads north towards the town of Green Island. The mostly flat course is an IAAF certified marathon and half-marathon course. Events Thursday November 30th-Details soon come. Please check Friday December 1st-Marathon Expo-Details soon come.
Please check Saturday December 2nd-Reggae Marathon & Half-Marathon start-Details soon come, please visit Course information Start and finish at Long Bay Beach Park on Norman Manley Blvd. Start time: 5:15am with course remaining open for 7 hours. Water/Aid Sations every mile with 25 total stations all manned by experienced marathoners and enthusiastic volunteers. Cooling stations with misters and iced towel wraps. Inspirational reggae music every mile. Closed lanes for runners. A certified IAAF and AIMS marathon course meeting international standards Medical stations positioned along the course and staffed by a premier multi-disciplinary medical team with a helicopter on call for hospital airlift Weather-The temperature should be a low 76 degrees Fahrenheit at the start of the race. With low annual rainfall, rain is not expected. Maximum of 3,000 participants. All in all, the Reggae Marathon Event is uniquely Jamaican with an international appeal. Please notify your travel agent that you will be attending the Reggae Marathon. More information can be found by visiting